Friday, March 06, 2009

HUM 221: Paper No. 2, 'Blue Winds Dancing'

If you want to read ahead over the weekend, here is a text of "Blue Winds Dancing" by Tom Whitecloud. We will write a reader response on it over spring break.


Did I say "we?"

I meant "you." You will write the paper over spring break.

If you want to get started reading the story now. If you'll be on the baseball trip to Arizona before spring break, you can get started reading at ", and I'll post the assignment sheet below.
Whitecloud was an Ojibwe Indian, the people we've been studying this week, and I'll post more links in the next few days. The paper is called a reflective response, and I'll post more instructions on how to do that later.

HUM 221: Native American Cultural Expression
Springfield College/Benedictine University
Spring Semester 2009

Reflective Response – ”Blue Winds Dancing”

Read the short story “Blue Winds Dancing” by Tom Whitecloud and write a 1,000- to 1,250-word paper in which you analyze your response to the story and the specific things about the story that made you respond to it as you did. You will need to look up some information about Whitecloud and his tribal heritage, i.e. the Ojibwe or Chippewa people, for background. But I want your paper to be the product of your own independent judgment. (Warning: Be careful to avoid using canned term papers or college essays about the story; there are literally dozens available on the plagiarism websites, and they are uniformly superficial and poorly written.) You may use either MLA or APA documentation. Due March _____, the Monday after spring break.

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