Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Roskilde Passionen i Helligaandshuset på Strøget, optagelser fra langfredag 2011

A website called Roskildes Musikhistorie has this (in Google translation) account:
Since the early church days have been in the week leading up to Easter entered the Passion as a kind of singing games. Opførelsen var en blanding af soloer og korsang. The building was a mixture of solos and choral singing. Fra Roskilde Domkirke har man bevaret en Johannes-passion fra 1673. From Roskilde Cathedral has preserved a Johannes-Passion from the 1673rd Under ledelse af domkirkens domkantor eller kordegn har udvalgte elever fra Roskilde Katedralskole opført lidelseshistorien, som den beskrives i Johannes evangelium. Under the leadership of the Duomo cathedral precentor and sacristan has selected students from Roskilde Cathedral School listed Passion, as described in John Gospel.

n we as a whole has preserved the old passion play, because it is an opaque, pietistic pastor at the cathedral, H. Jacobsen Buch, who were offended over this relic of Catholic times. Han fattede derfor pennen den 1. He therefore took the pen the first marts 1736 og skrev til kongen via sin foresatte, Sjællands biskop CW Worm, for at foreslå, at denne skik blev erstattet af en opbyggelig prædiken. March 1736 and wrote to the king by his superiors, Bishop of Zealand CW Worm, to suggest that this practice was replaced by an edifying sermon.
Upshot: "Instead of an exciting Singspiel was a boring church sermon of a fellow servant," and this: "And it sent copies of Roskilde passion smoke in the National Archives, so we know it today."

Bibliographic entry w/ library holdings in the U.S. on the WorldCat website: Roskilde-Passionen. Johannespassion efter Dansk tradition; 1673. Udgivet af Samfundet Dansk Kirkesang, 1946. A setting in Danish of the Passion test from St. John's Gospel, for unaccompanied tenor and bass soloists and chorus (STBarB). Columbia, Unaiversity of Arizona and Lutheran Theological Seminary of Philadelphia have it.
Description: 24 p. 29 cm.

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