Monday, April 16, 2007

HUM 221: Values, dance

Here are the questions:

1. How does "My Grandfather Was a Quantum Physicist" raise the same issues as a powwow?

2. How does the poem relate to Luci Tapahonso's poem about Navajo traditions?

3. What values do all three have in common?

Post as comments to the blog.


knevill said...

1. As in the pow wow, which was basically a celebration of life, and the pow wow celebrated the idea of connecting a value with Nature. The poem had the same idea. Duane Bigeagle also speaks of seeing his grandfather in full Indian wear, dancing, just like they would od in the Pow wows.
2. The poem relates to Luci Tapahonso's poem about Navajo traditions in much the same way how a lot of Indian arts do. They connect everything to nature, and there surroundings.
3. The values that i could see these three poems having in common were family, friends, and mother earth. These seem to be the basic ideas of Indian culture. Really, not only does involve only Native Americans, but this idea is pretty much used globally today!

sitko8622 said...

1. "My Grandfather Was a Quantum Physicist" relates to a powwow by speaking about the regalia. The powwow also has a deeper meaning than just dancing and I think that this poem has a deeper meaning than talking about his grandfather.

2. Both of these poems discuss how Native Americans are affected by everything that surrounds them. From other family members and friends to the wind, sky, water, tress, etc. All of their surroundings are part of their lives and they know this better than anyone.

3. All three have relate the same values of how Native Americans do things for other people. They show respect and love to everyone. Native Americans never want to leave anyone out or make someone feel unwanted, and I think that powwows really relay this message.

steveo0587@ said...

1.The poem about the grandfather being a quantum physicist relates to a pow wow beacuse it seems like he is getting ready for a pow wow by putting on his regalia. It also says he is standing in a grassy field with the other men
2. This poem relates because just like in most native american poems it realtes to nature and the enviorment
3. Basically, their values are almost the same has ares today..Family Friends, and nature

mike said...

1. The poem "My Grandfather Was a Quantum Physicist" compares to a powwow in the way that the main focus of both is on the regalia of the people, and the deeper meaning of it all. The poem states a good example in saying that they are "influenced beyond the physical world, beyond the stars, and beyond time."

2. The two poems relate to eachother in the focus on the outer world and becoming a part of it. In Tapahonso's poem, she says that the holy people made themselves phyiscal by becoming clous, sun, moon, trees, bodies of water, thunder, rain, snow, ahd other aspects of this world we live in. This sums up the conclusion of My Grandfather Was a Wuantum Phyiscist in becoming one with the world around you.

3. These 3 all have the values of regalia and deeper meaning and finding meaning in everything around them from their natural environment, to the material goods in their everyday life.

radio68 said...

1)My grandfather was a Quantum physicist relates to a powwow in the way that in powwows the Indains wear dance regalia and also dance with eagle feathers. The poem puts an image in your head of a powwow. In a powwow the indians dance on belief of spirits they belive in and also as a tradition. This poem relates to powwows in the way that he says "scientists have finally discovered that the intimate details of our lives are influenced by things
behind the physical world,
beyond the stars,
and beyond time."
2)This poem relates to luci Tapahonso's poem by tradition also. Luci's poem tell us certain things that is a general assumption for everyone. (the getting married early part)
3)well the values they all have in common are: family importance, tradition, being one with earth and representing who you are.

Mary said...

1. In a powwow, the dancers are not dancing just for the sake of dancing. They dance because it is a part of their religion. They dance with purpose. In the poem it describes how it has taken scientists this long to find the truth that the dancers have always known. Life is not independent of influencing factors from outside of this world. Powwow dancers dance for spiritual reasons, for honoring those “outside factors” influencing our daily lives.

2. In the poem Two Heart Clan, It says in line 14 that “Two Hearts raise the sun with their prayers”. This is similar to Tapahonso’s poem in the second stanza. It talks about the morning prayers. Also there are several references to traditional occurrences. Tapahonso’s poem discusses the traditions that were passed on to her.

3. Honor their holy beings, Remember the traditions passed to them by their elders, and honor the culture as a whole.

Leane said...

1. It relates to the powpow by speaking about the regalia. The pow wow is a celebration of life.
2. The poem relates in a way about indian arts.
3. The values that i could tell were family, friends, and mother earth

Megan said...

1. “My Grandfather was a Quantum Physicist” raises the issue that nature is absolutely important. The grandfather knew that nature, the physical world, the stars, and beyond influence our everyday lives. The poem states that the scientists just discovered this. This was old news to the grandfather and the rest of the Native American population. The powwows let the people celebrate the involvement of these other things like nature and stars in our lives. They stress the respect that everyone should have for the natural world. Our lives would be very much changed without the natural world as we know it.
2. The poem relates to Luci Tapahonso’s poem because she brings about the fact that people should pray to the natural world. She states that the things that exist in the natural world were once the holy people. They turned themselves into things like trees, clouds, sun, moon, bodies of water, so we should appreciate and respect these things. These things directly affect our lives.
3. All three have in common the idea of respecting nature because it always intimately affects our lives.

Molly McHenry said...

1. The poem is related to the powwow in the way that bigeagle describes his grandfather dressing in full Indian garb , as they do in powwows. The poem connects with nature. The same idea is made in powwows.
2. The poem relates to the poem by Luci Tapa's poem. She related alot of the teaching to nature as does big eagle.
3. The values present in all three poems are the sense of family and togetherness and of the respect for nature.

Tim said...

1) It has the same issues because the dancers are dancing what they feel and dance for the tribe. They know what they are dancing for while quantum physicists know what they are talking about even though we don't really know about quantum physics.

2)This poem relates to Luci Tapahonoso's poem about Navajo traditions because like in Luci's poem the line "Think about good things when preparing meals. It is much more than physical nourishment. The way the cook (or cooks) think and feel become
a part of the meal." Just as in the poem that people must put themselves entirely into what they do.
3) The main would be family or your tribe, being yourself, nature, and upholding tradition.

J-Stan said...

1. The poem "My grandfather was a quantum physicist" does raise some issues as a powwow. The poem basically had the same idea as a powwow, it talked about the stars and the nature of things to where you think of that stuff in a powwow.
2. It all relates to nature. How they experience certain spirits in different aspects of the earth. They both want to go beyond human realization and work into the spiritual realm.
3. Like i have said before they all want to be spiritual and celebrate what we have. They want to get in touch with earth itself and its spirits.

Tyler V. said...

1. "My Grandfather Was a Quantum Physicist" relates to a powwow by speaking about the regalia. The point is deeper than just dancing but I cant quite put a finger on it.
2.The poem relates to Luci Tapahonso's poem about Navajo traditions in the sense on how a lot of Indian arts do. They incoporate everything to nature, and there surroundings.
3. They celebrate bascially being alive, family, spirits, etc..they worship everything present in the world.

Randy said...

1. The poem talked about the grandfather and regalia. This relates to powwow in a sense that this is the outfits they wore during their powwow rituals.
2. Both poems dealt with nature and praying.
3. Carrying on traditions, respect, celebrating life.