Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Augustana liturgy -- miscellaneous notes

In discussion of new pericopes introduced first Sunday in Advent, 1865, in Chicago : "… The hymn for the day was sung immediately afar the Apostole's Creed. When hymn 24, v. 1, was sung, the congregation arose and remained standing during the collect and reading of the text, and the Apostle's Creed." Footnote 4: Erl. Carlsson, Korsbaneret, 1881, pp. 101-102.

Emory Lindquist, Shepherd of an Immigrant People: The Story of Erland Carlsson (Rock Island: Augustana Historical Society, 1978), 52.

Wallin 24, "Allena Gud i himmelrik / Må lof och pris tillhöra" -- Hilarius + 368, N. Decius. J.O. Wallin. Wikisource: "En trefaldighetspsalm. Latinska förebilden Gloria in Excelsis Deo, av biskop Hilarius i franska Poitiers, bygger på Lukas 2:14. … Översättning av Nicolaus Decius tyska text Allein GOTT in der Höh' sey Ehr." http://sv.wikisource.org/wiki/Allena_Gud_i_himmelrik

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