Sunday, December 21, 2014

"Din Klara Sol Går Åter Upp" on the prairie --

Carl Wilhelm Andeer. Augustana-folk: Några Bilder och Karaktärer ur vårt Kyrkliga Arbete. Rock Island: Augustana Book Concern, 1911. Google eBooks.

Title translates to something like this: Augustana people: Some pictures and character [sketches?] of our churchly work. So far I can't find anything on line about Andeer.

But, this on page 5, in the opening scene of the book …

Looks promising!

LATER: According to Arnold Barton, A Folk Divided, Andeer was an Augustana Synod minister who wrote short stories for Ungdomsvännen, returned to Sweden by 1915 (233, 375n53). 2nd ed. was reviewed in The Lutheran Companion, Nov. 21, 1914 [p. 12 Google eBooks]. "Augustana-Folk, Andriga Samlingen. Flere bilder och karaktärer ur vårt kyrkliga arbete. 10 stories, 137 pp. Board covers. Price, 35 cents. These sketches from our Swedish-American church life are both pleasant and profitable, always interesting, well told, with a style that makes its own appeal." Lutheran Companion in issue of June 12, 1920 [p. 379 Google eBooks] says he was at the time residing in Eskilstuna, Sweden. Luther League Review Vol 17 1904 {24 Google eBooks] lists Rev. Carl W. Andeer, E. Boston, Mass., among contributors to a building project in New York. He is in a picture of the graduating class of 1901 at Augustana Seminary. Ordained June 16, 1901, in Jamestown, N.Y.

The Swedish Element In Illinois [p. ___? Google eBooks -- ] lists among Augustana Book Concern authors: "The list of more than 500 different books and pamphlets published u]) to the end of the year 1916 comprises quite a number of original works by Swedish-American writers. In the field of j^oetry we find A. A. Sward. Ludvig Holmes, Jakob Bonggren, C. A. I^onnquist and John A. Enander. The collected works by Dr. Enander and by Dr. Olof Olsson have been published, besides books of stories, essays, remi- niscences and travels, by Birger Sandzen, C. W. Foss, Johan Person, Ernst A. Zetterstrand, C. A. Hemborg, Vilhelm Berger, K. N. Rabenius, Carl W. Andeer, Anna Olsson, S. J. Kronberg and others."

Some background on the hymn/psalm I scrabbled together tonight:

Again Thy Glorious Sun Doth Rise / Din Klara Sol Går Åter Upp Hymnal and Order of Service: for churches and Sunday-schools‎ #170 -- this is Augustana's 1901 hymnal

By Johan Olof Wallin [trans. 1901 J.E. Anderson]

appeared in American hymnals from 1899 [?] to early 1950s -- 11 instances cited, all Lutheran or Swedish, e.g. Mission Covenant church


Attributed to Johann Georg Christian Störl (1710), traditionally and in the 1901 hymnal. But Wikipedia says it is now identified in more general terms as "German, 1710" (tyskt ursprung 1710).

Text per

Again Thy glorious sun doth rise,
I praise Thee, O my Lord;
With courage, strength, and hope renewed,
I touch the joyful chord.

2 On good and evil, Lord, Thy sun
Is rising as on me;
Let me in patience and in love,
Seek thus to be like Thee.

3 May I in virtue and in faith,
And with Thy gifts content,
Rejoice beneath Thy covering wings,
Each day in mercy sent.

4 Safe with Thy counsel in my work
Thee, Lord, I’ll keep in view,
And feel that still Thy saving grace
Is every morning new.

Jens Fredborg (piano): Din klara sol går åter opp - Nun danket all und bringet Ehr

But cf. Med tacksam röst och tacksam själ - Nun danket all und bringat Ehr at I wish I could hear the resemblances in these tune families!

More on Hogfiddle at:

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